Do you want to improve your English communication skills?
Learn how to pronounce American, Australian and British English words from our expert trainers.
Read on for enjoyable and expert tips you can share with your peers, friends and family.
Cool Food Idioms You Can Find In Your Fridge
I recently shared a post by Analytical Grammar/ Grammar Planet’s post, about all the food idioms you can find just by looking in the fridge! I’ll put the link in
Don’t Say These 12 Words Wrong- British English and American English-VIDEO
Have you ever made a social faux pas or mistake by using the wrong word in English? I have ! Have a listen to the video and hear what happened
The difference between a British RP and American Accent-VIDEO
One of the differences between a British RP accent and American accent, is that some words of more than one syllable are said with different stress on the syllables. Also
Pronounce These Difficult English Words ‘maths, paths’-Audio Lesson
I know it’s hard enough to pronounce words ending in ‘th’ in English, and then when you add a possessive or plural /s/ it becomes even more ‘fun’! I would
English Speaking Fluency- Practise This….
An important element in English speaking fluency is to say words ending in consonant blends in sentences, without leaving out one of the consonants. Then the next level of mastery
How British and Americans pronounce ‘er’ differently- audio lesson
As I listen to audio assessments people have sent me, I notice there is some confusion regarding how British and Americans pronounce ‘er’ differently especially at the end of words.
5 Worst Pronunciation Errors ESL Students Make
I have been working with people for over 35 years now helping them to speak clearly. In that time I have noticed that no matter what the non- English language
English Schwa Words-Quiz Competition
What do I mean by the title English schwa words – quiz? You can win a free 8 page guide with pronunciation instructions specific to your language background. Following on