Do you want to improve your English communication skills?
Learn how to pronounce American, Australian and British English words from our expert trainers.
Read on for enjoyable and expert tips you can share with your peers, friends and family.
English Multisyllablic Word Stress and Idioms- Dialog AUDIO lesson
Lately I’ve been working with customers who want to improve their IELTS score. Mastering stress in multisyllabic words and use of English idioms are important to include in your English
English Intonation- How To Improve It
English intonation, or intonation in any language, can be described as the music or melody of the language. It’s a pronunciation feature that is about how we say something rather
VIDEO- English Schwa Sound-Why Is It Important
English Schwa Sound- Why It’s Important I have written about the English schwa sound before, the unstressed vowel, and mentioned that it’s actually the most common vowel in English! That’s
Meaning Of 10 Common English Suffixes And How To Say Them
I thought while we were on the topic (see my video-my last blog), I would also include the meaning and pronunciation of some common English suffixes and how to say them. Interestingly,
English Common Endings ‘al’ and ‘el’ Pronounce Correctly- VIDEO
How to say words with English Common Endings ‘al’ and ‘el’ Most English common endings are said with a schwa vowel as they aren’t the most important part of the
Small English Pronunciation Error with a Big Effect- AUDIO
Sometimes it’s the small English pronunciation errors that can have a big effect on being understood easily when you speak. One English pronunciation error, that people make is to leave
Stop Being Confused- What sound is this in English?
Because English letters can say more than one sound, sometimes it can become quite confusing and students ask me ‘what sound is this in English?’ The vowels in English can
How To Sound Natural In English
While there are lots of elements to sounding natural in English, I’m going to talk about 4 things that I think are key elements that you need to work on