English Pronunciation – How to Say ‘wor’ Words Correctly
Often students can become quite confused about how to pronounce words spelled with ‘wor’, and especially the word ‘work.’ Because of the ‘or’, they often say ‘walk’ for ‘work.’
Check out this training video and find out about the ‘wor’ rule.
‘Wor’ Words
In these exceptions the ‘or’ does say ‘or’:
wore, worn, wort, swore
In American English the ‘or’ in the words ‘worry’ or ‘worries’ also says ‘er’
worry said: ‘werry’ werries said: ‘werries’
For British and Australian English in the the word worry, the OR says ‘u’
worry said: ‘wurry’
You can also find more words to practise in an audio training lesson I made earlier here.
Best wishes, Esther
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Esther Bruhl
Esther Bruhl is a Speech and Language Pathologist with more than 30 years of experience helping children and adults. Over the years, assisting people who wanted to eliminate their accents became a specialty for Esther.
Learn more about Esther