English Pronunciation -Who else wants to Speak English Fluently?
You know I have talked about English Pronunciation and speaking English fluently before, but I realised I left out an important element! I have already told you about some of
You know I have talked about English Pronunciation and speaking English fluently before, but I realised I left out an important element! I have already told you about some of
Have you ever noticed that when you are under pressure to speak fluent English you may stumble more than usual, or speak faster than you want to and become unclear?
Have you ever felt frustrated that no matter what you do, people still can’t get your name the first time you say it in English? You aren’t alone. Have you
I was a little worried about including the following article in a blog to you. I am always on the look out for a good, clear article on pronunciation to
VIDEO: ‘a’ Vowel Pronunciation. Have you noticed that sometimes vowel pronunciation in English is hard because you can’t hear the difference between two different vowels? Well, you aren’t the only
9 of the Most Difficult English Words to Pronounce VIDEO: How to pronounce 9 difficult English Words In this video you will learn how to pronounce 9 difficult words in English.
You Can’t Lose your Accent if you are an Adult. Is this True? Can you lose your accent if you are an adult is a question that comes up often.
Hi, I thought this time it was the Arabic background speakers turn so here are 10 great English tips for Arabic Speakers. The 10 Great English Pronunciation Tips for Arabic
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